Thursday, November 30, 2006

Thursday 11/30

It's warm today. 69 degrees in Boston.
Brought the car in for an oil change. They performed to thorough inspection. Apparently it needs $1,600.00 worth of work. It's funny, regardless of what car I'm driving, when I get my oil changed, I always need new struts. The people at Meineke Care Care Centers suck dog balls. Regardless of what George Foreman says...

Wednesday, November 22, 2006


British Airways, Qantas, and a few other airlines have a policy...

Their policy is to not allow men to sit next to children who are not their own.
If you are discovered sitting next to an unrelated child, you are asked to move your seat. If you refuse, you are "interfering with the operations of a flight crew" and forcibly removed from the flight.

On a recent British Airways flight to India, a man was asked to move. He explained that he was the children's father and was allowed to stay put. Coincidentally, he is a member of the British Parliament. He wrote the attached:

Does anyone else think this policy is absurdly stupid?

Please don't think I support child molesters. In fact, I think there should be mandatory castration as a condition of release for anyone convicted of any type of sexual assault. But this is ridiculous.



Tomorrow's Thanksgiving Day. I don't care for Thanksgiving. I dig Christmas.

My 20th high school reunion is Friday. I'll probably blow it off. Most of my classmates are douche bags...

Chinese Thanksgiving is Saturday.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Election Day


Governor Deval Patrick. Good grief...

It's a good day for rapists, cop-killers, and the left-wing lunatics.
We can look forward to a return to 80's style tax and spend liberalism. You know the same policies that nearly forced Massachusetts into bankruptcy.

Oh yeah... I can't buy a bottle of wine at the grocery store either.
